In February 2022, the City of Genoa surveyed 17 northern Illinois municipalities on their current Water & Sewer Rates and Capital/Loan Expenses on Water & Sewer Billing. The results of…
Author: Ryan Block
South Street & Prairie Street Parking Ban – 7/27/2022
The Village of Kirkland has started our 2022 Street Project this week. Part of the scope of the work includes tree removal in order to allow for new Stormwater lines,…
My Hometown: Kirkland
Special THANKS to Small Town Productions who created this video showcasing Kirkland, Illinois!! Click the following link to view My Hometown: Kirkland!!
Village of Kirkland Golf Cart Stickers
The 2022-2023 Village of Kirkland Golf Cart Stickers are now available! Please stop by Kirkland Village Hall to pick up yours today! Golf Cart Stickers are $50. If you have…
Village of Kirkland Contact Details
We hope that everyone is having a safe start to 2022 given these frigid temps! As we start another year, we would like to provide insight on the most effective…
In 2012, the Village of Kirkland passed Ordinance 2012-10, allowing Chickens and Chicken Coops within village limits. This Municipal Code addressed requirements for Chicken Coops structure and fencing, maximum number…
Due to Cell Phone Carrier FCC requirements, the Village of Kirkland had to change our Text Program number from a 5-digit number (36000) to a regular phone number. The image…
REMINDER: Secure your Vehicles
Residents: In the past 24 hours there has been reports of vehicle burglaries. PLEASE be vigilant in ensuring that your vehicles are secure and locked every evening. Here are a…
Kirkland Public Works NO LONGER Accepting Yard Waste
ATTENTION RESIDENTS: The Village of Kirkland is announcing that beginning Monday, September 2nd, Kirkland Public Works will NO LONGER be able to accept Yard Waste at the Wastewater Treatment…
Coyote Awareness
Coyotes are a common wild animal in Illinois, but the population has seen a large increase during the past decade. The Village of Kirkland has seen an increase in coyote…