We hope that everyone is having a safe start to 2022 given these frigid temps! As we start another year, we would like to provide insight on the most effective way to contact Village Hall as needs arise (these are in priority of responsiveness):
1) Phone Call – The quickest way to obtain a response is via a phone call. The Village Hall phone number is 815-522-6179, Kirkland Public Works is 815-522-6170 and non-emergency Kirkland Police Department is 815-522-3315.
2) E-Mail – All Village officials and employees have Village e-mail addresses. Any non-FOIA inquiry can be sent to them if information is needed or shared. Emails are typically responded to within 24 hours at a maximum. Village President Block’s e-mail is R.Block@VillageofKirkland.com, Village Clerk Stiegman is C.Stiegmand@VillageofKirkland.com and so on for other officials and employees.
3) In-person – Kirkland Village Hall and Kirkland Police are in the office Monday thru Friday from 9:00 A.M. till 5:00 P.M. Kirkland Public Works is on-duty Monday thru Friday from 6:30 A.M. till 3:00 P.M. Visiting during these hours is always welcomed for those who have the need.
4) Social Media – The Village of Kirkland and Kirkland Police Department both have Facebook accounts. However, these accounts are primarily used to push information, updates, etc. out to the residents. Our Facebook Messenger accounts are not monitored as frequently as phone calls or emails. We encourage any inquiries related to Village of Kirkland, Kirkland Public Works or Kirkland Police Departments be sent to our Facebook accounts only after the first three contact points above have been utilized in order to obtain a prompt response.
5) Village Meetings – Village Meetings take place the first Monday of every month (unless of holiday, then first Tuesday) and third Monday if business need warrants meeting (unless of holiday, then third Tuesday). Any Public Comments are always encouraged, as is attendance at Village Meetings.
We hope this information provides good guidance on contact details for any future inquiries, questions or information needed from any of our departments – Village of Kirkland Administration, Kirkland Police Department or Kirkland Public Works.
We hope you all have a fantastic week and please stay warm!! Thanks!